Module 8

Your Progress
Sales Success needs Strong Systems
- Discover the Top 10 Strategies to build your internal sales systems, and why being ‘systemised’ can help you 10X your sales in less time.
- Leverage the capability of a good CRM system (Customer Relationship Management System) and how this can help you to track your activity, your client pipeline, and make it faster and easier to manage your workload.
- Tactics to save time, speed up your response and work with more clients at the same time.
- Gain the step by step successful system around Price Increases, the ‘right’ way to manage the process with clients, what NOT to do, and HOW to make it a positive process for both you and your customers.
- Identify key areas you can automate quickly and effectively to streamline your systems, win more clients and do it in less time.
Module 8 Powerpoint Slides
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