Module 7

Your Progress
Sales and Marketing – How to Fast Track your Results
Sales and marketing need to go together and you can’t have one without the other. So we can market all day every day, but if we can’t convert that into a sale, there is no money in the bank account.
So what you’ll learn here is:
- The key mistakes most people make with Sales and Marketing, and why they need to work together to get results.
- 2 key strategies to keep filling your pipeline with top quality clients who want what you have and have budget to work with you.
- The difference between on-line and off-line marketing. HOW and WHY you need to get both working together to ramp up your sales.
- Identify what your clients want, how you can reach more, and how to use the capacity of social media to build your profile.
- Learn 2 key strategies to bring you in more clients and sales within
- 30 days which are low cost, easy to implement and PROVEN to work!
Module 7 Powerpoint Slides
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